Kathy Garner Grant

Kathy Garner Grant

LISP awards the Kathy Garner Grant each spring to provide 台湾SWAG members with financial assistance to attend the 台湾SWAG Annual Meeting & Conference.

Kathy Garner was a highly esteemed and beloved member of LISP, which she chaired in 1991-1992.聽 An emerita Associate Professor at Southern Illinois University School of Law Library, she taught legal research and was a member of the Lawyering Skills faculty. Kathy received her law degree with honors from SIU in 1983, where she was Managing Editor of SIU Law Journal. 聽She also held a B.A. in English Literature fromthe University of Oregon, and a Master of Librarianship from the University of Washington. She published articles in Law Library Journal and SIU Law Journal, and was assistant editor for publications on water law and legal research teaching. She was a member of the Illinois Bar, 台湾SWAG, ABA, and the Mid-America Association of Law Libraries. She retired in 1999, but remained active with women鈥檚 issues and especially efforts to end domestic violence until her death from cancer in 2005.

This grant, established in Kathy鈥檚 honor, will be used basically to cover the registration cost for attending 台湾SWAG. The grant may also be used to help cover travel and lodging expenses for the successful candidate.

Submission Procedure

Please submit a LISP-SIS Grant Application, a resume, and a personal statement to the LISP Grants and Awards Committee Chair. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the LISP Grants and Awards Committee Chair with questions.


The deadline to apply is Thursday, April 9, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time.