UELMA Enactments




Bill number: SB 1414
Enacted: 5/17/2016
Effective: 8/8/2016

Constitution of Arizona

Arizona session laws

Arizona Revised Statutes

No fiscal impact

Bill number: SB 1075
Enacted: 9/13/2012
Effective: 7/1/2015

California Constitution

California Statutes

California Codes

$135,000 to $165,000 (General Fund) for set up, authentication, archiving, and onsite storage.

Annual ongoing costs in the range of $40,000 to $70,000.


Bill number: HB 1209
Enacted: 4/26/2012
Effective: 3/31/2014

Colorado Constitution

Session Laws of Colorado

Colorado Revised Statutes

State agency rules with effect of law


Bill number: SB 235
Enacted: 5/17/2013
Effective: 10/1/2014

Constitution of Connecticut

General Statutes of Connecticut

Regulations of Connecticut state agencies

Reported decisions of Connecticut Supreme Court, Connecticut Appellate Court, and
Connecticut Superior Court

No fiscal impact

Bill number: HB 403
Enacted: 7/23/2014
Effective: 10/21/2014

Constitution of Delaware

Laws of Delaware

Delaware Code

Regulations published in the Delaware

Administrative Code

No fiscal impact

Bill number: SB 32/HB 18
Enacted: 4/16/2013
Effective: 7/1/2013

Hawaii Constitution

Hawaii Session Laws

Hawaii Revised Statutes

State agency rules with effect of law

Reported decisions of Supreme Court of State of Hawaii and Intermediate Appellate Court of Hawaii

State court rules

No fiscal impact

Bill number: S 1356
Enacted: 3/26/2014
Effective: 7/1/2015

Idaho Constitution

Idaho Session Laws

Idaho Code

Idaho Administrative Code and Administrative Bulletin

Reported decisions of Idaho Supreme Court and Idaho Court of Appeals

Idaho court rules

No fiscal impact

Bill number: SB 1941
Enacted: 8/26/2014
Effective: 1/1/2015

Illinois Constitution

Laws of Illinois

Illinois Compiled Statutes

Illinois Administrative Code

Final administrative decisions

Reported decisions of Illinois Supreme Court, Illinois Appellate Court, and Illinois Court of Claims

Illinois Supreme Court rules

No fiscal impact

Bill number: SB 131
Enacted: 3/7/2022
Effective: 7/1/2022

The Constitution of the State of Indiana;

The Indiana Acts (session laws);

The Indiana Code;

An agency rule;

An official opinion of the attorney general;

An opinion of the court of appeals or the supreme court; or

Court rules adopted by the supreme court.

Legislative Services Agency (LSA): To the extent LSA cannot make the programming changes within existing resources, the LSA would incur a one-time expenditure for hiring an outside vendor for programming purposes. It is estimated that an outside programming vendor would cost between $30,000 and $50,000. Ongoing support costs are not anticipated based on the bill’s requirements.

Indiana Supreme Court: The Court could likely implement the bill’s provisions within existing resources and staffing levels.

Office of Attorney General (AG): The bill could increase the workload and expenditure of the AG. The AG reports that the cost would be nominal and would include licensing fees and limited manpower, depending on the number of files to be certified.

Additional InformationThe Indiana Archive and Records Administration provides assistance to state andlocal governments in creation, usage, storage, and disposition of governmental records.


Bill number: HF 743
Enacted: 5/8/2019
Effective: 7/1/2019

The Constitution of the State of Iowa

The Iowa Acts

The Iowa Code

The Iowa Administrative Bulletin

The Iowa Administrative Code

No fiscal impact

Bill number: SB 137/HB 165
Enacted: 5/3/2017
Effective: 10/1/2017

Maryland Constitution

Session Laws

Code of Maryland

Maryland Rules

Journal of the Senate of Maryland

Journal of the House of Delegates of Maryland

A Reported Decision of
• The Court of Appeals; or
• The Court of Special Appeals

An Opinion Issued by the Office of the Attorney General

Code of Maryland Regulations

A Final Decision in a Contested Case Issued by a Unit of State Government under the Administrative Procedure Act

Maryland Register

General fund expenditures for the
Department of Legislative Services
(DLS) increase by $28,500 in FY
2018 for hardware and software
associated with the bill’s
authentication requirement. Future year expenditures ($20,500) reflect ongoing costs.

Bill number: HB 4779
Enacted: 12/28/2018
Effective: 12/28/2018

The state constitution of 1963

The public acts of this state

The Michigan Compiled Laws

A rule promulgated pursuant to the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328

Materials related to and created by the courts in this state as provided for in a cooperative agreement entered into under section 129

[The bill] could have an
indeterminate impact on the State
for any necessary costs associated
with information technology
updates to properly archive and
store the required legal materials.
The costs are indeterminate and
would depend on the current
capacity of the Legislative Council
to comply with the proposed bill’s
requirements; otherwise, additional funds could be necessary.

Bill number: SF 157/HF 278
Enacted: 3/14/2013
Effective: 1/1/2015

Minnesota Constitution

Laws of Minnesota

Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota Rules

No fiscal impact

Bill number: SB 105
Enacted: 5/23/2013
Effective: 1/1/2014

Nevada Constitution

Statutes of Nevada

Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Administrative Code

No fiscal impact

Bill number: HB 1129
Enacted: 4/8/2013
Effective: 7/31/2013

North Dakota Constitution

North Dakota Century Code

Laws of North Dakota

North Dakota Administrative Code

$115,000 for the 2013-15
biennium. Of this amount,
$85,000 is one-time costs
relating to software
development and $30,000 is
ongoing costs each

Bill number: SB 139
Enacted: 6/29/2018
Effective: 9/28/2018

The Constitution of this state

The session laws of this state

The Revised Code

State agency rules that have or had the effect of law

The final decisions of state administrative agencies

In order to fulfill the
requirements of the bill, LSC
would likely have to contract
with a new vendor such as
LexisNexis or Westlaw. The
new contract to include
authentication services would
likely exceed $100,000
annually based on the bids
these vendors provided LSC
in the past regarding online
Revised Code and
Administrative Code

Bill number: HB 2944
Enacted: 5/23/2013
Effective: 5/23/2013

Oregon Constitution

Oregon Session Laws

Oregon Revised Statutes

Oregon Administrative Rules

Minimal fiscal impact

Bill number: SB 601
Enacted: 9/24/2014
Effective: 11/23/2014

Pennsylvania Constitution

Laws of Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Code

State agency regulations with effect of law

Reported decisions of Pennsylvania Supreme Court; Pennsylvania Superior
Court; Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court;
or a Pennsylvania court of common pleas

Rules of Pennsylvania court

No fiscal impact

Bill number: HB 402
Enacted: 5/24/2019
Effective: 9/1/2019

The constitution of this state

The general or special laws passed in a regular or special session of the Texas Legislature

A state agency rule adopted in accordance with Chapter 2001.

No significant fiscal impact

Bill number: SB 121
Enacted: 3/15/2018
Effective: 1/1/2019

Utah Constitution

Laws of Utah

Utah Code

Utah Administrative Code

Utah State Bulletin

One-time cost of $178,000
$45,000 ongoing

Bill number: 34-0034
Enacted: 8/16/2021
Effective: 90 days after enactment

The Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Islands

The Session Laws of the Virgin Islands;

The Virgin Islands Code Annotated

The Code of the United States Virgin Islands Rules

The Opinions of the Attorney General of the Virgin Islands

Reported decisions of the following courts: the Superior Court of the Virgin Islands and the Supreme Court of the Virgin Islands

Virgin Islands State Court Rules;

Virgin Islands Government Register

No fiscal note

Bill number: SB 5039
Enacted: 4/21/2017
Effective: 1/1/2018

Washington state Constitution

Session laws of the state of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

A state agency rule that has or had the effect of law

Washington State Register

Washington Administrative Code

No fiscal impact

Bill number: 21-0890
Enacted: 4/2/2017
Effective: 7/1/2017

Acts and resolutions of the Council

District of Columbia Official Code

District of Columbia Municipal Regulations

Other legal materials designated by the Mayor by rule

Other legal materials designated by the Council by resolution

No fiscal impact

Bill number: SB 214
Enacted: 4/9/2017
Effective: 7/2/2017

West Virginia Constitution

Acts of the Legislature

Code of West Virginia

All rules and other materials filed in the State Register

The state administrative agency decisions made pursuant to articles four and five, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code

No fiscal impact