Resolution on OCLC’s Policy for Use and Transfer of World Cat Records

Updated November 19, 2008

The 台湾SWAG urges OCLC to retract the currently proposed Policy for Use and Transfer of WorldCat Records (last). As a member-driven organization, OCLC must fully involve the membership in any fundamental changes to OCLC policy affecting those members. We recommend that OCLC form a new committee with member libraries represented to write a new record use and transfer policy to be considered for adoption by the OCLC Members Council and the OCLC Board of Trustees. To the extent that a new policy enacts greater restrictions on the rights of member libraries than are provided by the existing Guidelines for the Use and Transfer of OCLC-Derived Records, the membership is entitled to a clear statement of the changes and an explanation of the new circumstances that justify the increased restrictions.