Appointments Committee

View the Committee Roster


Process Committee


The purpose of the Appointments Committee is to provide the Vice President/President-Elect and others as necessary with a network of members who have both an in-depth knowledge of the organization and broader contacts than one person might reasonably be expected to enjoy. This Committee’s networked resources are intended to facilitate its ability to provide lists of potential candidates for committee/jury appointments.


The Committee shall, in consultation with the Vice President/President-Elect, review a pool of potential committee/jury members to serve on the various committees and juries based on expressed membership interests and other available information. It shall also verify the qualifications of nominees to ensure that they meet those detailed in the respective committee/jury charges. They shall, on a regular basis, review committee/jury charges to determine that they remain in compliance with the Association’s strategic plan and directions.

Prior to March 1, the Appointments Committee shall provide a list of names to the Vice President/President-Elect of those persons identified as available to serve as members of the Association’s committees and juries.


The Committee should be drawn, generally, from members who have more than three years membership and active involvement in the Association, who have demonstrated commitment to the Association’s goals, and who have secured a significant membership contact base.聽 The Appointments Committee may not appoint any of its current members to any committees or juries.


Membership on the Committee shall normally be for one year.


The Committee shall consist of the Vice President/President-Elect as Chair, the Vice President-Elect as Vice Chair, and five additional members.


  • Goal 1: Championing Excellence
  • Goal 3: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


The Committee works with Chapters, SISs, committees, juries, headquarters staff, and others to identify individuals with leadership potential to serve the interests of the membership through committee/jury appointments.