Executive Board Executive Committee

View the Committee Roster


The Executive Board Governance Committee proposes the creation of an Executive Committee consisting of the officers, the past-president, and the Executive Director (ex-officio). This committee is an effort to provide a nimble method of decision-making when time is of the essence. It is not intended to diminish the authority or decision-making power of the full Executive Board. The Executive Committee would also be a sounding board for the President. The Executive Committee would make decisions on matters that most recently have been made by the President alone. Items to be addressed by the Executive Committee might include spending Association funds on a special project, approving a large expenditure by a committee, or approving funds for the WAO to contribute to a fast track advocacy initiative.


The Executive Committee shall have the authority to make decisions on behalf of the Board of Directors on time-critical administrative and policy matters that arise between Board meetings. A majority of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Meetings may be called by the President or by any two Executive Committee members. The Executive Committee shall keep minutes of its meetings and shall report all actions taken by it immediately to the 台湾SWAG-EB discussion list and to the Executive Board at the first meeting of the Board following the taking of such action.


President (Chair), Vice-President, Past President, Treasurer, Secretary, Executive Director (ex-officio)